About us
“We have to realise that this is not playing games. This is not just having a nice little debate, arguments and then coming away with a compromise. This is an urgent problem that has to be solved and, what's more, we know how to do it - that's the paradoxical thing, that we're refusing to take steps that we know have to be taken."
David Attenborough, 2019
Ipswich Borough Council and Suffolk County Council are required by law to deliver healthy air. Unfortunately they won’t. They have no plans to do so.
In Ipswich there are fabulous people taking personal and collective action. But it can feel lonely and demoralising in the face of vested interest, inertia, and political party game playing.
There are a growing number of people who want to do something but aren’t sure how best to make an impact.
We aim to inform people, call for action both personally and collectively, and promote the activity of the groups who share our vision and demands.
By working together towards a shared vision, it CAN be done.
Join us and take action now. You CAN make a difference